Why do People Keep Journals? Well, I’ll speak for myself. Journaling for me is about penning down God-given ideas, interesting thoughts that I might want to explore later. I also like to keep good memories, so I write about persons I have met that have contributed to my life or interesting events, places I’ve been to. In all, journaling helps me see that God has a track record of doing good and good only. I started journaling when I was maybe 12 or 13 years old. I remember vividly the events that happened. My mom had just scolded me (you know African Mother’s kinda scold, slap would have landed on your face before you say ‘Jack Robinson’) and I seriously felt like I was being punished unjustly. Unfortunately, I could not fight for my ‘right’, so I took a notepad and just expressed myself. I wrote about how I would one day leave and not return, then they would all miss me in the house and wish they treated me better. Such childish illusions!😂 Here are Some Advantages of Journaling ...