It all began with a small headache, I was in class when it started. Well, it was not unusual as I had not had anything to eat since morning and it was almost 4pm already. The first thing I did when I got to the hostel was to eat the food I bought from Buka 22. The food did not taste nice. For someone who usually is selective when it comes to food, I did not mind the taste. I just needed a little food in my stomach so I could use the pain killers I got from the pharmacy earlier. I slept off immediately after taking the drugs. When I woke up at bout 7:30pm, the headache had intensified.

Two weeks later, I was at the school clinic complaining about the headache that just won't leave. The doctor, a nice looking young man that would have been perfect if not for two broken teeth in his mouth wrote some medical jargons on paper and asked me to take it to the pharmacy. The pharmacist gave me some horrible looking drugs that I had to force myself to take.

When the headache still did not leave but subsided a little after taking the drugs religiously, I went to see Chuka, my boyfriend who stays off campus. Chuka gave me a pill that made me sleep for hours. When I woke up my headache was gone. Our sex that night was different, it was as if I was transported to a world of ecstasy. Did the drug make me a super power? The next morning, I asked Chuka what kind of pill it was he gave me, but he refused to tell.

That was how my journey into the world of drug use and abuse began 10 years ago.


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