
Showing posts from February, 2021


"Mama, I did not come home this time to fight. I came to tell you something important. I am pregnant." Yes, I finally said the words. Mama looked like she would pass out. Her face was very white. I was so scared. What if she drops dead? I had aborted two pregnancies before this one. Akhere wanted me to keep the pregnancy against my wish. Mama has always been against premarital sex and having children out of wedlock. I knew she would disapprove. When I moved out, I told mama that I was staying with a female friend whose place was not far from my workplace to beat Lagos traffic. She did not know her daughter was living with a man. "Ebiere, you are pregnant? For who? Ah! Ebiere. You have brought shame to me. What will church people say? Your father was a church elder before he died, now look at how his daughter turned out. Ebiere why? Ebiereeeeeeee!." Mama was crying hysterically.  "Mama, I am so sorry, I did not mean to bring shame to your name. Since...

Naomy's Thoughts

1. They say destiny is in your hands, what about those whose hands have been amputated? 2. I think more than I talk. I write more than I talk. 3. Creative stories never leave people's memories. How and why do you tell your story? 4. Not long from now, they will hear your story, so make sure you tell it with grace. 5. On some days, prayer seems useless, but I pray anyway. God's word seems hopeless, but I hope anyway. A miracle seems impossible, but I believe anyway. Faith over feelings! 6. Stumble on my writings, read. Tell me what you think, for my words are a reflection of myself. 7. When I am gone past this phase, I will wave goodbye without even looking back. 8. At my age, I still keep a journal. Call me old-fashioned. I call it owning and preserving my story. 9. When I am quiet, I am not quiet. There's usually an ongoing discussion in my head. 10. Wear black lipstick instead of red, wear the boot instead of heels, wear the hat instead of some fancy scarf. Al...


"Ebiere, I love you but I can't do this anymore. You need to face this drug addiction issue. You are losing yourself." Akhere was the only man I had ever really loved. He is Imade's father. I met him on the bus on my way home after I had completed my NYSC scheme. Akhere was quite influential and had used his influence in getting me a job as the production manager of a massive soap factory. We moved in together a year after we met and two years later, my baby girl came. The problem started after Imade was born. No one prepared me for the depression that comes after childbirth. I hated my body and soon, I started taking more doses. All I wanted was to be in a perfect world and only my dope could take me there. Although Akhere used to smoke cigarettes, he never did dope and he was unhappy with the way I was ignoring our beautiful baby. When he started complaining, I tried church. Maybe God would see that in my heart I hated dope and I tried my best but I just...