Through all my growing years in the very interesting city of Lagos, I have never appreciated a swimming pool as I now do in Sokoto. Well before I started serving in Sokoto as a corp member, pool was just normal, but now I tell you, the swimming pool is like heaven on earth.
The weather here in Sokoto is not just hot, it is extremely hot. My friend would say its just 10 minutes drive to hell. But then I'm not writing to discuss how unpleasant Sokoto weather is rather Its to appreciate who ever invented a pool.
The real story behind the picture is that I can't swim, but I can enter the shallow part of the water and hide from the angry glare of the sun. Yes o whether you can swim or not, in Sokoto caliphate when you see a pool, jump in the angels of the Lord are in the water to save you from drowning.
Another story behind the picture is that Sokoto is not as boring and dry as you think. Its a peaceful state, really more peaceful than you think. Here's an advice from a friend, pick Sokoto as the next place where you would spend your vacation, I bet you won't regret it (coughs).
The final story behind the picture is the most interesting story (sips water), well I just want you to see my fine picture. Its cool right? Yea it is, or what do you think? Let's hear your thoughts, and you could share you own experiences too.
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