
Showing posts from January, 2016


Tell a story of people, Walking but lost in thought. People in the world, Many are confused. People with good looks, Depressed and worried. People who are famous, Feeling empty inside. People in beautiful cars, With terminal diseases. People walking happily, People very moody. People who love life, People seeking death. People sane and healthy, Others insane. People who keep walking, Without any destination. Tell a story of people, Who don't have the WORD. People in the world, They live, but never live.

Broken 2

   John unconsciously tightened his grip on the prison bars, lost in thought. How could he have been so drunk to he kill his wife, what had liquor done to him. "I still can't believe I killed my wife, my own Jane". He had tried all he could to stay away from liquor, he had even gone the church once, but none had worked out.     " Poor Jane", John sobbed. Jane didn't deserve to die the way she did, she had always wanted to make him a better man. He remembered the pain in her parents eyes when they saw their daughter's battered body. "I'm happy I'm going to die, I can't live with this guilt". He thought.     John suddenly remembered what a preacher told him yesterday, that God is good. "If God is good, why didn't he save Jane, why didn't hehe make me a different person?". John shouted.      There a lots of broken people in our society today. Never think that they can never be redeemed just keep speaking positive ...

Give a girl.....

Give a girl flowers, It will wither. Give a girl money, It will be spent. Give a girl houses, They'll be vacant. Give a girl a job, It will wear her out. Give a girl love, She'll never forget you. Every one wants to be loves, Show love today.


"Silent", I shouted at the ugly thoughts running through my mind. "Shut up and let me think straight".    Different thoughts from the devil comes into your mind everyday, and if you do not silence the devil with the WORD, those thoughts can limit you.


Oh! What sense there is in being senseless A man must avoid the mistake of trying always to be sensible In being senseless, sense is seen Many suffer ill fate, because they want to make sense to others. Senselessness is sense in disguise Sense tells you to behave like others, so you can blend Senselessness tells you to stand out and become a standard


Chief Okon laid on the hospital bed thinking of how unfair life has been to him. "Just a few days to live, and I'm gone, I can't even enjoy the money I worked hard to gather". Just then his wife entered the room interrupting his thoughts. Her eyes were red and swollen, an evidence that she had been crying.