
Showing posts from 2016


   A lot of people have different views of what christmas is about. Christmas is a time to celebrate Christ, he is the reason for the season. Christmas is solely a season of love, it is a time to express and talk about why Jesus was born. It's a celebration like no other.     Nearly everyone celebrates Christmas; Muslims, pagans and the likes, but only does who have the understanding of what Christ came to do enjoys the rest that comes with it. I hate that people see Christmas period as any other holiday. It isn't just an holiday, or just a day to eat and overfeed. Its a celebration of the victory that Christ birth and death brought.    Remember to talk to someone about the very essence of Christ birth and death this season and keep walking in that love that has been revealed.


I love photographs. They speak louder than words. A warm smile on a cold day. And click! Goes the sound of the camera, Capturing a moment that will never, Again come. Photography, An act of creativity, Creating sweet memories, For the day after today. #photography is art #Art is life.


     The African child, Is one who survives all odds, One who endures all pains, And struggles while growing up. The African child, One whose life is neither A bed of roses, Nor a pillow of thongs. One who swims through Ocean of troubles The African child is a survivor. I am an African. #l love my roots #African writer series


                  The Whiteman's Religion .         As a literature student. I have read a lot of African novels that condemn Christianity, and call it the religion of the exploitative colonial master. These scholars believe that by accepting Christ, Africans are once again enslaving themselves.           Very funny, how can people who have knowledge about lots of things can be so ignorant about the one thing that matters. Many of these literary scholars publish their works using English language. Is that not the language of the oppressive white masters, why use it?          I have read books and I am still reading and will read even more books, but one truth I know is that Christ is both the God of the black and of the white. I am a proud African writer and I love my root. My root is deeply rooted in Christ, or what doyou think fellow Africans? # I love my roots #...


Today, many persons have come to see me. Some are crying, Some are Just staring. I don't understand. Yesterday was my wedding. Yesterday, ah yes I remember. Yesterday, I died. I died when I heard,  He had another wife and children. Yesterday, I fell in the chudaych and died. Because of the decision i made, The day before yesterday. The day before yesterday, I agreed to marry him. Though I knew he is a drunk. And he beats me. I still agreed to marry him. Today is my burial. I got lots of flowers. I can see him, Looking at me. If only I left him, I woul

Baby Chick

      "Why don't we fly?" a baby chicken asked his mother one day. "I don't know", the mother replied "I guess we are used to the ground, and not the air. My grand parents were this way, same as my parents, and I am comfortable this way, so i guess its the kind of life the creator wants for us". "But we have wings like eagles, and they soar high. Look at the hawk who threatens our life, we have wings like them" the baby chick protested. "Dont bother me, fly if you want to" the mother hen shouted, "don't bother me".        The next day, the baby chick left home and wandered far into the forest until it met the alligator "hey small chick, where are you off to all alone?" "No where in particular pa alligator, I'm just finding answers on why chickens don't fly". Alligator laughed and asked him if he has ever tried flying, he replied no. "Why don't you give it a try". The baby ...


Live until you die. Live life to its fullest. Don't be a walking corpse. Life is not a bed of roses, Neither is it a pillow of thongs. Disappoint every disappointment, And confuse every confusion. Never give up on life. Live while you are alive, So that even death would respect you. Live until you die.


Tell a story of people, Walking but lost in thought. People in the world, Many are confused. People with good looks, Depressed and worried. People who are famous, Feeling empty inside. People in beautiful cars, With terminal diseases. People walking happily, People very moody. People who love life, People seeking death. People sane and healthy, Others insane. People who keep walking, Without any destination. Tell a story of people, Who don't have the WORD. People in the world, They live, but never live.

Broken 2

   John unconsciously tightened his grip on the prison bars, lost in thought. How could he have been so drunk to he kill his wife, what had liquor done to him. "I still can't believe I killed my wife, my own Jane". He had tried all he could to stay away from liquor, he had even gone the church once, but none had worked out.     " Poor Jane", John sobbed. Jane didn't deserve to die the way she did, she had always wanted to make him a better man. He remembered the pain in her parents eyes when they saw their daughter's battered body. "I'm happy I'm going to die, I can't live with this guilt". He thought.     John suddenly remembered what a preacher told him yesterday, that God is good. "If God is good, why didn't he save Jane, why didn't hehe make me a different person?". John shouted.      There a lots of broken people in our society today. Never think that they can never be redeemed just keep speaking positive ...

Give a girl.....

Give a girl flowers, It will wither. Give a girl money, It will be spent. Give a girl houses, They'll be vacant. Give a girl a job, It will wear her out. Give a girl love, She'll never forget you. Every one wants to be loves, Show love today.


"Silent", I shouted at the ugly thoughts running through my mind. "Shut up and let me think straight".    Different thoughts from the devil comes into your mind everyday, and if you do not silence the devil with the WORD, those thoughts can limit you.


Oh! What sense there is in being senseless A man must avoid the mistake of trying always to be sensible In being senseless, sense is seen Many suffer ill fate, because they want to make sense to others. Senselessness is sense in disguise Sense tells you to behave like others, so you can blend Senselessness tells you to stand out and become a standard


Chief Okon laid on the hospital bed thinking of how unfair life has been to him. "Just a few days to live, and I'm gone, I can't even enjoy the money I worked hard to gather". Just then his wife entered the room interrupting his thoughts. Her eyes were red and swollen, an evidence that she had been crying.