
Showing posts from April, 2018

Nicolas Ipiteikumoh

You fought and fought You fought the pain But then! You had to go. Nicolas! The short black man The poet The Africanist Death! Don't for a second think you have won You have only eased Nicholas's pain You have only relieved his sufferings. I already miss your poems I really wanted to see more of "The Diary of a Short Black Man" I wanted to see your works published. A great writer has passed on A voice for this nation is silenced A friend has taken his rest Nicolas! The short black poet.


From THE WALL STREET JOURNAL (DECEMBER 15, '97)  by DENNIS PRAGER Preger writes "The bodies of the three teen girls shot dead by a fellow student at Heath High School in West Paducah, Ky., were not yet cold before some of their schoolmates hung a sign announcing, "We forgive you, Mike!" They were referring to Micgeal Carneal, 14, the killer. "This immediate and automatic forgiveness is not surprising. Over the past generation, many Christians have adopted the idea that they should forgive everyone who commits evil against anyone, no matter how great whether or not the evil doer repents...... "I am appalled and frightened by this feel good doctrine of automatic forgiveness. This doctrine advances the amoral notion that no matter how much you hurt others, millions of your fellow citizens will forgive you. It destroys Christianity's central moral tenets about forgiveness. Even by God, forgiveness is contingent on the sinner repenting, and it can ...


When my husband brought the idea I opposed strongly. Yes! When he suggested we leave Bethlehem Judah for the country of Moab. I did everything I could to stop him but Elimelech was a hard headed man who rarely listen to people's opinion. A week after I and Elimelech had the heated argument about leaving Bethlehem, we moved out. Out of the place where I was born and bred, out of the place where I had known joy and sorrow. Holding one of my sons Mahlon with one hand, the other hand supporting the load on my head, tears flowed freely from my eyes as I left Bethlehem Judah. *                         *                   *                     * Some years after we moved to Moab, my husband died. Life without Elimelech was hell, but then I was used to suffering. After their father's death, my sons Mahlo and Chilon married and started ser...