Does God Really Exist?
Hiya.... It's been a while since I posted anything here. Today, something actually motivated or is it inspired me to write this post. I want to discuss it here. I am on a writers group on WhatsApp, recently an argument occurred on the group. Guess what this argument was about? If God really exist or man actually created this God through his imagination. A complicated topic for an argument if you ask me. Really no matter how much we talk about the existence of God, some persons will never agree that God is more than real, and this is sad, so so sad. I mean the biggest fool is the man who says there is no God, no apologies. I really am not writing this piece to convince any one that God lives and reigns, I am only writing to express how sad I am for those who have shut the doors of their heart to this amazingly loving God. I am a writer, a big fan of African literature, and I have read books.... When I say books I mean books, more books than some would ever read all their lifetim...